203 Address at the Meeting with Families in Manila (16 January 2015): AAS 107 (2015), 178. 4:21, 33; 5:13). Download Now. Thank you for what you are in your family and for what you give to the Church and the world”.193. Amoris Laetitia Capítulo VIII Capítulo octavo: "Acompañar, discernir e integrar la fragilidad" El capítulo octavo constituye una invitación a la misericordia y al discernimiento pastoral frente a situaciones que no responden plenamente a aquello que el Señor propone. Memory is necessary for growth: “Recall the former days” (Heb 10:32). They may try hard not to admit it, not to show it, but they need it”.198 It is not good for children to lack a father and to grow up before they are ready. This way of thinking promotes narcissism and aggressivity in place of acceptance. Jesus told the Pharisees that abandoning one’s parents is contrary to God’s law (cf. 182. We also do well to remember that procreation and adoption are not the only ways of experiencing the fruitfulness of love. In our day, the problem no longer seems to be the overbearing presence of the father so much as his absence, his not being there. We do well to remember that each of us is a son or daughter. Yet our creative commitment is itself an offering which enables us to cooperate with God’s plan. 177. Their decision is voluntary but not free. Often we prove inconsistent in our own convictions, however firm they may be; even when our conscience dictates a clear moral decision, other factors sometimes prove more attractive and powerful. 205 Cf. Ordinarily this is done by proposing small steps that can be understood, accepted and appreciated, while including a proportionate sacrifice. Parents rely on schools to ensure the basic instruction of their children, but can never completely delegate the moral formation of their children to others. Todo está para ser comprado, poseído o consumido; también las personas”.Para las familias que viven en una sociedad de consumo es casi imposible no verse envueltos en sus promesas y sus mensajes. One would be to try to make everything revolve around the child’s desires; such children will grow up with a sense of their rights but not their responsibilities. In this way, they become a hub for integrating persons into society and a point of contact between the public and private spheres. The real question, then, is not where our children are physically, or whom they are with at any given time, but rather where they are existentially, where they stand in terms of their convictions, goals, desires and dreams. You can read the details below. 303 Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving, New York, 1956, p. 54. First, let us think of our parents. Sad to say, some television programmes or forms of advertising often negatively influence and undercut the values inculcated in family life. Do you not have houses to eat and drink in? Only on the basis of this experience will the Church’s pastoral care for families enable them to be both domestic churches and a leaven of evangelization in society. 290. They themselves become uncertain and so fail to offer sure and solid guidance to their children. The family is the setting in which a new life is not only born but also welcomed as a gift of God. To avoid this risk, we should remember that Jesus’ own family, so full of grace and wisdom, did not appear unusual or different from others. “The family is thus an agent of pastoral activity through its explicit proclamation of the Gospel and its legacy of varied forms of witness, namely solidarity with the poor, openness to a diversity of people, the protection of creation, moral and material solidarity with other families, including those most in need, commitment to the promotion of the common good and the transformation of unjust social structures, beginning in the territory in which the family lives, through the practice of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy”.310 All this is an expression of our profound Christian belief in the love of the Father who guides and sustains us, a love manifested in the total self-gift of Jesus Christ, who even now lives in our midst and enables us to face together the storms of life at every stage. If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA Report DMCA Overview In all families the Good News needs to resound, in good times and in bad, as a source of light along the way. 281. 301 Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Declaration on Christian Education Gravissimum Educationis, 1. In such cases, while the decision is voluntary, inasmuch as it does not run counter to the inclination of their desire, it is not free, since it is practically impossible for them not to choose that evil. Pregnancy is a difficult but wonderful time. They should be helped to recognize and to seek out positive influences, while shunning the things that cripple their capacity for love. Tout le monde porte son masque : plutôt carré et assez grossier. PAPA FRANCISCO. Raising children calls for an orderly process of handing on the faith. A good ethical education includes showing a person that it is in his own interest to do what is right. Sobre este fundamento, cada família, mesmo na sua fragilidade, pode tornar-se uma luz na escuridão do mundo". By serenely contemplating the ultimate fulfilment of each human person, parents will be even more aware of the precious gift entrusted to them. Text of 2002 II Chinoiseries européennes par Laetitia Page par page Education includes encouraging the responsible use of freedom to face issues with good sense and intelligence. Being willing to do so is also an exquisite expression of generous love for one’s spouse. 183. Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Et attention, attention, il y a même un pianiste ! The sense of being orphaned that affects many children and young people today is much deeper than we think. With great affection I urge all future mothers: keep happy and let nothing rob you of the interior joy of motherhood. It is essential that children actually see that, for their parents, prayer is something truly important. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. This “technological disconnect” exposes them more easily to manipulation by those who would invade their private space with selfish interests. As a result, the opinions of their parents become more important than the feelings and opinions of their spouse. When I say ‘present’, I do not mean ‘controlling’. The best interests of the child should always underlie any decision in adoption and foster care”.201 On the other hand, “the trafficking of children between countries and continents needs to be prevented by appropriate legislative action and state control”.202. So it matters little whether this new life is convenient for you, whether it has features that please you, or whether it fits into your plans and aspirations. 220 Catechesis (18 February 2015): L’Osservatore Romano, 19 February 2015, p. 8. 30 abril, 2016. Ancianos, vulnerables, personas con adicciones, son vistas como un peso y un desafío. . Without this, a child could become a mere plaything. Parents must not be abandoned or ignored, but marriage itself demands that they be “left”, so that the new home will be a true hearth, a place of security, hope and future plans, and the couple can truly become “one flesh” (ibid.). At the same time, since their hesitation can be tied to bad experiences, they need help in the process of inner healing and in this way to grow in the ability to understand and live in peace with others and the larger community. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. Frequently, sex education deals primarily with “protection” through the practice of “safe sex”. Conferencias. One particularly delicate aspect of love is learning not to view these relatives as somehow competitors, threats or intruders. For “children are a gift. A married couple who experience the power of love know that this love is called to bind the wounds of the outcast, to foster a culture of encounter and to fight for justice. The lack of historical memory is a serious shortcoming in our society. We need to see it with the eyes of God, who always looks beyond mere appearances. Jn 3:1-21), allowed his feet to be anointed by a prostitute (cf. To help expand the parental relationship to broader realities, “Christian communities are called to offer support to the educational mission of families”,297 particularly through the catechesis associated with Christian initiation. Amoris Laetitia - Capítulo 4 - El consumismo y las familias - YouTube En "Amoris Laetitia", el Papa advierte sobre los peligros del consumismo en la vida de familia."En la sociedad del. We’ve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data. The Eucharist demands that we be members of the one body of the Church. The sexual urge can be directed through a process of growth in self-knowledge and selfcontrol capable of nurturing valuable capacities for joy and for loving encounter. For human dignity itself demands that each of us “act out of conscious and free choice, as moved and drawn in a personal way from within”.293. Una fantasía que no tiene nada que ver con la realidad que afrontan las familias cada día, en las que madura el verdadero amor.El Papa avisa de que la mayor amenaza son esos valores que promueve el consumismo, porque debilitan las virtudes que aprendemos en la familia. 206 Catechesis (7 October 2015): L’Osservatore Romano, 9 October 2015, p. 8. This physical or emotional absence creates greater hurt than any scolding which a child may receive for doing something wrong. Where is their soul, do we really know? Without a sense of modesty, affection and sexuality can be reduced to an obsession with genitality and unhealthy behaviours that distort our capacity for love, and with forms of sexual violence that lead to inhuman treatment or cause hurt to others. 4- Exortación apostólica: Evangelii Gaudium ( Nov. 2013) 5- Carta Encíclica Laudato -Si ( Junio 2015) Nuevo 6- Homilías diarias en las Misas en la Capilla de Sta. This does not mean preventing children from playing with electronic devices, but rather finding ways to help them develop their critical abilities and not to think that digital speed can apply to everything in life. 307 Augustine, De sancta virginitate 7,7: PL 40, 400. Modesty is a natural means whereby we defend our personal privacy and prevent ourselves from being turned into objects to be used. The valuable contributions of psychology and the educational sciences have shown that changing a child’s behaviour involves a gradual process, but also that freedom needs to be channeled and stimulated, since by itself it does not ensure growth in maturity. Young people need to realize that they are bombarded by messages that are not beneficial for their growth towards maturity. We must not forget that “the ‘mysticism’ of the sacrament has a social character”.207 When those who receive it turn a blind eye to the poor and suffering, or consent to various forms of division, contempt and inequality, the Eucharist is received unworthily. Education in the faith has to adapt to each child, since older resources and recipes do not always work. 210 Catechesis (11 February 2015): L’Osservatore Romano, 12 February 2015, p. 8. Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love) is a post-Synodal apostolic exhortation by Pope Francis on love in the family. As the word of God tells us, “a man leaves his father and his mother” (Gen 2:24). When well used, these media can be helpful for connecting family members who live apart from one another. 263. El matrimonio, un compromiso para toda la vida, puede convertirse en miedo real a estar atrapado en una relación, especialmente cuando parece que se interpone ante nuestras propias metas. “That’s what I learned to do”. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. 2013 1 tri - lição 5 - conflitos na família, Pastora-Psicanalista Mérces Ministério Saúde Integral. 298 Catechesis (9 September 2015): L’Osservatore Romano, 10 September 2015, p. 8. “A society that has no room for the elderly or discards them because they create problems, has a deadly virus”;218 “it is torn from its roots”.219 Our contemporary experience of being orphans as a result of cultural discontinuity, uprootedness and the collapse of the certainties that shape our lives, challenges us to make our families places where children can sink roots in the rich soil of a collective history. A child who does something wrong must be corrected, but never treated as an enemy or an object on which to take out one’s own frustrations. “Even if one becomes an adult, or an elderly person, even if one becomes a parent, if one occupies a position of responsibility, underneath all of this is still the identity of a child. The harmony that fills my days. Here it remains true that “time is greater than space”.291 In other words, it is more important to start processes than to dominate spaces. The task of education is to make us sense that the world and society are also our home; it trains us how to live together in this greater home. For this reason, adolescents should be helped to draw analogies: to appreciate that values are best embodied in a few exemplary persons, but also realized imperfectly and to different degrees in others. “Is this not the carpenter’s son?” (Mt 13: 55). As the educational process bears fruit in the growth of personal freedom, children come to appreciate that it was good to grow up in a family and even to put up with the demands that every process of formation makes. DE LA TORRE, J., Humanae vitae 14: una propuesta desde Amoris Laetitia, Sal Terrae, Bilbao, 2018. In some marriages, one spouse keeps secrets from the other, confiding them instead to his or her parents. As the Australian Bishops have observed, each of the spouses “contributes in a distinct way to the upbringing of a child. With their prayers, parents prepare for baptism, entrusting their baby to Jesus even before he or she is born. 170. Nesta época natalina, é bom lembrarmos que em numerosas ocasiões o Menino Jesus apareceu na Hóstia consagrada durante a Missa, notadamente no Ofertório e na Consagração.. Esse milagre aconteceu, por exemplo, em Caravaca de la Cruz (Espanha), no ano 1231, e foi visto por um rei mouro, que se converteu. 273. 287. Mere desire, or an attraction to a certain value, is not enough to instil a virtue in the absence of those properly motivated acts. The work of handing on the faith to children, in the sense of facilitating its expression and growth, helps the whole family in its evangelizing mission. In Western culture, the father figure is said to be symbolically absent, missing or vanished. This training, at times quite demanding, is a true school of socialization. 197. We break out of our fatal selfabsorption and come to realize that we are living with and alongside others who are worthy of our concern, our kindness and our affection. Adopting a child is an act of love, offering the gift of a family to someone who has none. QUE NO TE EUTANASIEN 4/4. 3) El amor no tiene envidia #95-96   4) El amor no hace alarde ni es arrogante #97-98   5) El amor no obra con rudeza #99-100   6) El amor no busca su propio interés #101-102   7) El amor no se irrita #103-104   8) El amor no lleva cuentas del mal #105-108   9) El amor no se alegra con la injusticia, sino que goza con la verdad #109-110 10) El amor todo lo disculpa #111-113 11) El amor todo lo cree #114-115 12) El amor todo lo espera #116-117 13) El amor todo lo soporta #118-119Se espera que leamos y meditemos los temas antes de nuestras reuniones. This in turn teaches them to respect the freedom of others. Even their relatives feel looked down upon or judged by them. Sexual union in marriage will thus appear as a sign of an all-inclusive commitment, enriched by everything that has preceded it. toaz.info-em-defesa-de-israel-john-hageepdf-pr_42d22f12b349a9256bcf4ceea4ee02... No public clipboards found for this slide, Enjoy access to millions of presentations, documents, ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more. Adoption is a very generous way to become parents. God has given the family the job of “domesticating” the world205 and helping each person to see fellow human beings as brothers and sisters. DE LOCHT, P., La morale conjugale en recherche, Casterman, Tournai, 1968. El 4º capítulo de Amoris Laetitia. It is possible, for example, that a husband’s way of being masculine can be flexibly adapted to the wife’s work schedule. Mt 13:31-32); this teaches us to see the disproportion between our actions and their effects. y Traducción de Luis Montoya. 1. EWTN es una red global de Televisión, Radio y Noticias Católicas que ofrece programación y noticias católicas alrrededor del mundo. Lk 7:36-50) and did not hesitate to lay his hands on those who were sick (cf. I encourage those who cannot have children to expand their marital love to embrace those who lack a proper family situation. Jn 4:7-26), received Nicodemus by night (cf. But in general, times of illness enable family bonds to grow stronger… An education that fails to encourage sensitivity to human illness makes the heart grow cold; it makes young people ‘anesthetized’ to the suffering of others, incapable of facing suffering and of living the experience of limitation”.295. It is one thing to understand how fragile and bewildered young people can be, but another thing entirely to encourage them to prolong their immaturity in the way they show love. 184. In some homes authoritarianism once reigned and, at times, even oppression”.194 Yet, “as often happens, one goes from one extreme to the other. Children need symbols, actions and stories. But prudence, good judgement and common sense are dependent not on purely quantitative growth factors, but rather on a whole series of things that come together deep within each person, or better, at the very core of our freedom. It follows that they should take up this essential role and carry it out consciously, enthusiastically, reasonably and appropriately. Apresentamos um resumo da Exortação Apostólica "Amoris Laetitia" sobre o amor humano, publicada no dia 8 de abril. 190. 277. Each child has a place in God’s heart from all eternity; once he or she is conceived, the Creator’s eternal dream comes true. A family that fails to respect and cherish its grandparents, who are its living memory, is already in decline, whereas a family that remembers has a future. Book Depository is the world's most international online bookstore offering over 20 million books with free delivery worldwide. A mother joins with God to bring forth the miracle of a new life. 188. On the other hand, families who are properly disposed and receive the Eucharist regularly, reinforce their desire for fraternity, their social consciousness and their commitment to those in need. it is the beauty of being loved first: children are loved even before they arrive". We've encountered a problem, please try again. In our own day, dominated by stress and rapid technological advances, one of the most important tasks of families is to provide an education in hope. And on the street, side by side, Capítulo 4.1 de Amoris Laetitia El amor no es sólo un sentimiento, es hacer el bien Papa Francisco 1. “For nine months every mother and father dreams about their child… You can’t have a family without dreams. Ex 20:12). This does not always happen, and a marriage is hampered by the failure to make this necessary sacrifice and surrender. O 4º Capítulo da Exortação Amoris Laetitia é muito vasto e é dedicado ao amor no matrimônio. 185 Address at the Meeting with Families in Manila (16 January 2015): AAS 107 (2015), 176. To be a father who is always present. Good habits need to be developed. Their specifically feminine abilities – motherhood in particular – also grant duties, because womanhood also entails a specific mission in this world, a mission that society needs to protect and preserve for the good of all.191, 174. The virtuous bond between generations is the guarantee of the future, and is the guarantee of a truly humane society. Recordar la brevedad de la exposición, no se trata de una charla magistral sino un compartir experiencias de vida.. © 2012 Centro de Espiritualidad Ignaciana, Con el padre Pedro, vamos a comentar y discutir la exhortación apostólica Amoris Laetitia, Términos de Uso y Regulaciones de Privacidad. For God allows parents to choose the name by which he himself will call their child for all eternity.181, 167. 215 Id., Address to Participants in the “International Forum on Active Aging” (5 September 1980), 5: Insegnamenti III/2 (1980), 539. A person may be sociable and open to others, but if over a long period of time he has not been trained by his elders to say “Please”, “Thank you”, and “Sorry”, his good interior disposition will not easily come to the fore. 262. A mentality that can only say, “Then was then, now is now”, is ultimately immature. 197 Catechesis (4 February 2015), L’Osservatore Romano, 5 February 2015, p. 8. It is not easy to approach the issue of sex education in an age when sexuality tends to be trivialized and impoverished. 305 Catechesis (15 April 2015): L’Osservatore Romano, 16 April 2015, p. 8. Click here to review the details. Empezaremos por el capítulo 4 los numerales del 89 al 92, EL AMOR ES PACIENTE Se iniciará con una muy breve presentación de los numerales de 15 a 20 minutos máximos y luego el diálogo grupal, posiblemente alguna dinámica de grupo, el expositor se alternará cada sesión esperamos algún voluntario para las siguientes sesiones. Amoris Laetitia, capítulo 4 (II) 38,970 views Sep 9, 2016 374 Dislike Share Save José Antonio Cinco Panes 20.4K subscribers Segunda parte del capítulo cuarto de Amoris Laetitia, donde el. Still, some Christian families, whether because of the language they use, the way they act or treat others, or their constant harping on the same two or three issues, end up being seen as remote and not really a part of the community. In a very real way, their lives express what is asked of us all: “When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your kinsmen or rich neighbours, lest they also invite you in return, and you be repaid. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. 278. There are those who dare to say, as if to justify themselves, that it was a mistake to bring these children into the world. We are much more than just two”.204. Ethical formation is at times frowned upon, due to experiences of neglect, disappointment, lack of affection or poor models of parenting. 272. Who helps them to prepare seriously for a great and generous love? 188 Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Pastoral Letter Don’t Mess with Marriage (24 November 2015), 13. In a healthy family, this learning process usually takes place through the demands made by life in common. MEDITACIÓN SOBRE EL AMOR DE DIOS I. Meditemos en estos tres últimos días del año, acerca de nuestros deberes para con Dios, para con el prójimo y para con nosotros mismos. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Our elderly are men and women, fathers and mothers, who came before us on our own road, in our own house, in our daily battle for a worthy life”.212 Indeed, “how I would like a Church that challenges the throw-away culture by the overflowing joy of a new embrace between young and old!”213, 192. Nor can we ignore the fact that the configuration of our own mode of being, whether as male or female, is not simply the result of biological or genetic factors, but of multiple elements having to do with temperament, family history, culture, experience, education, the influence of friends, family members and respected persons, as well as other formative situations. 274. 169. For we cannot encourage a path of fidelity and mutual self-giving without encouraging the growth, strengthening and deepening of conjugal and family love. Scribd es red social de lectura y publicación más importante del mundo. There can be a certain flexibility of roles and responsibilities, depending on the concrete circumstances of each particular family. 289. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. El consumismo puede incluso desalentar a familias de tener hijos, simplemente para mantener un alto estilo de vida.El consumismo impulsa una cultura de “usar y tirar”. 192 Catechesis (7 January 2015): L’Osservatore Romano, 7-8 January 2015, p. 8. Such a society will move forward if it respects the wisdom of the elderly”.217. A exortação apostólica pós-sinodal sobre o amor na família " Amoris laetitia" ("A alegria do amor") - terminada, não por casualidade, no dia 19 de março, solenidade de São José — recolhe os resultados dos dois . Por otra parte, el desconocimiento social de esta virtud en la cultura occidental. Mejor casarse que vivir…. In the family, we learn how to live as one. Love always gives life. Such expressions convey a negative attitude towards the natural procreative finality of sexuality, as if an eventual child were an enemy to be protected against. Etiquetado como Familia, Matrimonio. Your child deserves your happiness. It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. 266. Who is capable of taking young people seriously? 179 Catechesis (8 April 2015): L’Osservatore Romano, 9 April 2015, p. 8. Faith is God’s gift, received in baptism, and not our own work, yet parents are the means that God uses for it to grow and develop. 189 Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World Gaudium et Spes, 50. With this, their affection does not diminish but is flooded with new light. 180. El capítulo es una verdadera y propia exégesis atenta, puntual, inspirada y poética del texto paulino. This is a good thing. O matrimónio é o ícone do amor We see this in the case of compulsive drug addicts. 177 Catechesis (11 February 2015): L’Osservatore Romano, 12 February 2015, p. 8. También nuestras relaciones. Listening to the elderly tell their stories is good for children and young people; it makes them feel connected to the living history of their families, their neighborhoods and their country. Isso será feito a partir de uma tentativa de responder aos dubia que quatro cardeais dirigiram publicamente a Francisco como questionamento sobre a liceidade de sua nova interpretação da doutrina. 191. It is not helpful to overwhelm them with data without also helping them to develop a critical sense in dealing with the onslaught of new ideas and suggestions, the flood of pornography and the overload of stimuli that can deform sexuality. Nor is it good for parents to be domineering. For “fraternity in families is especially radiant when we see the care, the patience, the affection that surround the little brother or sister who is frail, sick or disabled”.221 It must be acknowledged that “having a brother or a sister who loves you is a profound, precious and unique experience”.222 Children do need to be patiently taught to treat one another as brothers and sisters.
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